Amos, Quebec
History of Amos
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Just a friendly point of precision.
The Hudson's Bay Company did not claim to own Rupertsland Colony. In his 1869 testamony made just before the colony was TRANSFERED (not 'sold') to the Dominion of Canada, Sir George Simpson, Governor of the HBC stated that explicitly. However, the HBC was compensated by the Dominion for any losses or inconveniences encountered due to the transfeer.

The British principle of colonial governance in effect at the time of the transfer stated that certain things are 'used' but not "owned", and that rules concerning rights to the "fruits of the land" are to be governed by, "custom" as agreed to by a jury of original inhabitants recognized by the Crown as "subjects" and recognized for their knowledge of custom. Agreement to this 'unextinguishable' principle was a contractual condition of transfer of the Colony to the Dominion. Under our own definition of 'contracts' any 'acts' by any 'government' or 'other parties' that did not have the required judgement of 'custom' from the "British subjects" inhabiting the land (Native First Nations were within that definition)based on full disclosure of intent by the requesting party are declared to be fraudulant and without legal grounds.

Unfortunately, it can be demonstrated that various 'acts' and 'agreements' concerning the land upon which Amos is built did not appear to respect the conditions of transfer, so I am very happy to see that the "City Fathers" of Amos are actively promoting good relations with their First Nations hosts. This could place Amos in a favourable position when the day comes (and it surely will) that it becomes imperitive to respect those original conditions. I am sure that your wisdom is being noted.

For a more detailed understanding of this matter, you might seek to study the research of Dr. J. S. Murdoch, of Waskaganish. Several court cases utilizing this research are currently before the courts in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and their eventual outcome (perhaps up to Supreme Court?)will be closely watched by First Nations in James Bay.

Again, I extend my personal congratulations to the wise leadership of Amos for their efforts, with or without reference to this aspect of the city's history.