Hipster (contemporary subculture)
Hipsters on Trial
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So, I'm doing a research project on the "hipster" subculture, focusing on the negativity that comes with the stereotype. Most research I have done so far has portrayed them in a terrible light, and not that I think hipsters are fluffy little bunnies, but I feel that they are being rather harshly condemned. Scholarly articles across the web are begging for their execution, as if they are quite literally monsters breathing toxic indie fire while simultaneously drowning full cities in PBR Beer. Which in my opinion is not at all the case. I may go as far to suggest they are contributing to more than they are taking away from society, especially as compared to others. Even if they can be incredibly annoying and prestigious, in their silly hipsterish way. I think they're harmless, but honestly, with the bad-rep that comes with the term, I don't blame them for not admitting to being hipsters.

What do people think could be so evil about the hipster, that they are despised and even seen as threatening to our world today? Are they really disadvantageous to society? Any opinion/input would be appreciated :) Especially hipster-sympathetic views. Not too easy to find. But speak your mind.