Sequence dance
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Hi from Australia. 'New Vogue' territory.
My lady partner and I have been dancing together for over twenty years. Usually twice weekly. The number of dances we are 'on top of' is fairly big. But!! all the time, new ones are popping up especially as our original dance venue has closed. We now move around a bit to find a good replacement.
The memory can hold only so much - also the music can be different. As a Senior Cit, every now and then, on new dances, I lose the sequence. All I can do, as I don't want to stand on my partner's foot or similar, I let go our hold and quickly step away.
This leaves my partner alone and stranded. She becomes very upset. As I have often said, this occurence in dancing is real 'divorce material'!
But what else can I do?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. Laurie.