Lynn Toler
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Hi Judge Lynn I have a question for you concerninga show I just viewed on divorce court. It was the case w/the Smith's you told him you had a list of things he could do to regain his wife's trust again. I would like the list for myself and my spouse. We have been down this same road I believe worst than this couple. I have been married for 26yrs. now and I am not happy in my marriage now because of his cheating throughout the marriage. My husband was greatly influnced by my dad he told my husband the night before we got married "that all men cheat." So he took that statemet and ran w/it. Because of his last cheating episode (it was a lot it caused him to go to jail for 30 days because he wouldn't leave this woman alone) I don't want him to touch me, we sleep in separate bedrooms. He has had a stroke over this last cheating episode, because he was living a lie. He retired from the military and was able to get back into the government system on a base, but lost his job over this woman for harrasment. So in my opinion no one is going to hire him with this jail thing and harrasment hanging over his head. We have talked about his and I told him that I forgive him, but as you told the gentlemen that it takes time to get over being lied to day after day. So I would like to have the list, and also I would like some advice from you on how to move forward with or without him. I know finacially I'm not able to move out, and leaving him by himself he would be lost. A example he almost burned the house down by falling asleep w/food on the stove. The stroke caused him to lose some of his cognitive skills. That's what I mean by the comment "he would be lost." Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Judge Lynn.