Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
Hi, Honorable Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
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Hi, I am writing to request help. How would I start a committee or any other way to help stop medical and mental Rape in all America's medical facilities around this country? Ma'm, I know it is hard to believe but medical and mental rape is occurring in medical facilities around this country. I have lived it on more than one occsassion. Policies are in place that allow multiple forms of rape in medical facilities. I had a doctor at a military hospital tell me that they can interragate a patient whenever they want. That a patient is on trial when they enter the hospital. There are medical personnel convicting people of lying and other things without proof of patients lying or doing other things they are accused of. All without patients having anyone to represent them in a situation. I need help with my heart arrythymias, muscle spasms, other medical issues and my physical response to physical pain that doctors will sometimes, refuse to treat. I have a legal right to have my pain treated but physicians will sometimes, refuse to treat it. Help me to work out misunderstandings and help me to help others. We all deserve respectful and helpful medical care! I respectfully, beg you to consider these issues. I intend no offense with this letter towards anyone. I pray it is taken in the positive way that it is intended to be. With Sincerety and Respect,
Kindness Heals :O}