Tuberculosis treatment
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I am new to this forum and really wanted some general information if anyone is able to help.
My Mother had a Thoracoplasty Stage 2/3 55 years ago and is one of the survivors. She lost all her ribs on one side of her body had a Phrenic Crush and her diseased lung was collapsed. She has an almighty scar along the wound and when the weather is very bad she suffers from intolerable pain on the wound. The Doctor says it's a cross between Osteoarthritis/perosis but will only prescribe paracetamol for the pain.
I am pretty angry about this as it is so severe she is suffering intolerably. She was sent to a Phsyiotherapist to see if she would be able to have Ultrasound and when she went for the appointment the young man, took one look at her and said (before even saying hello) NO Ultrasound, take paracetamol!! That was it, no consultation, no examination and no respect. She was so upset but won't let me take it further. Mum is reluctant to take paracetamol as she has a Haitus Hernia and very sensitive stomach. Anything out of the ordinary makes her very sick.
Does anyone out there have any suggestions what we could do to ease the pain? Mum is a better weather forecaster than the Professionals as her wound dictates the forthcoming rain.
Any advice or guidance would be of great comfort.
Thank You
replied to:  Curious46
Replied to:  Hi I am new to this forum and really wanted...
It sounds to me like your mother needs to get a second opinion from an older, more experienced doctor. It seems as if the doctor you saw wasn't very good.