Satmar (Hasidic dynasty)
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I have a question regarding Satmar, and beliefs of other sects of Hasidism, regarding the end times. The question is only meant to be informative and not retorical. I need to know for practical reasons.

I am a practicing Jew living in Los Angeles. I daven primarily at a Chabad and Litvitcher Shuls. I am having trouble understanding why there is a discrepancy between scholars of various religious sects. Various Kabbalists, Sephardic Rabbis, religious Zionist types and others are predicting a soon to come War of Gog U Magog. They warn that American Jews must leave now or be trapped in 1930's like situations. Other learned groups such as Satmar, Lubuvitch, Ger, Bobover, etc... do not seem the least concerned about this fate and many are actually against going to Israel en mass. How could the same Torah, oral law and prophesies lead to such different conclusions? What is the reason that Satmar, for instance, are not worried about a pending disaster/war with the resulting ramifications of Jews being stuck in America? I have been searching for an answer for some time. I have a family and I am middle aged. What is the urgency of getting to Israel (or not)?

Please consider my question.

Thank you

Zeev Jacoby