Fabrique Nationale de Herstal
FN motorcycle
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My father drove a FN motorcycle during the years 1928-1960; he modernized it just a little in 1930, putting a newer petroltank over the frame but otherwise it was the same. Since he kept it we were able to do an overhaul (honing the cylinder, for the 2:rd time in all these years). In the 70:s I drove it some years before I finally had to sell it, 1980, to a collector, due to lack of space.
500cc, 12 bhp at 3000 revs! One cylinder, overhead valves!

Does anyone out there have information on the factory, its motorcycles? Even driven one?? Once I tried to contact the factory, wanting some emblems but got the laconic answer "nous regrettons, mais l´enemi a detruit le fabrique dans la guerre"