Time travel
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Enough about theory which is just unproven possible fact.Let us discuss actual anomolies that happened and recorded by private and government agencies. Anomolies concerning time travel has been recorded occuring during some Bermuda Triangle episodes of both ships and planes that vanished and returned hours ahead of thier ETA possibilities.Niether ships or planes had the physical capacity to arrive so far ahead of schedule.OK no one can explain the anamolies but they do verify that it is fact and at present unexplainable in the realm of physical possibilities.The FACT- It did happen, Fact-It has been recorded and verified.
My theory is one of two possibilities=
1. The ships or aircraft where moved physical closer to thier arrival destinations or
2. They somehow time traveled?
I am not talking Voodo Bermuda Triangle hoopla here. I am just talking about the verified facts. Your opinion wlcm
replied to:  freevoice
Replied to:  Enough about theory which is just unproven possible fact.Let us discuss...
i was going to go on to someone else then but realised what you were doing. our 2 posts go together nicely as a theory if we can somehow ges a particle accelerator involved. try reading my post, of course time travel is possible and happy new year.
replied to:  unktone
Replied to:  i was going to go on to someone else then...
So far a particle accelerator is a few nanoseonds slower than the speed of light.The primary object of the concept is to learn more about The Big Bang theory.The ESA is gearing up at this moment with giant colliders to search for many different results of the collision including the possibility of possible of unknown anamolies,mini black holes and dark energy and dark matter.The results will be interesting.I have my own theory concerning the time factor but at present I will discuss only the particle accelerator.i will be waiting for the test results of the particle accelerator.Thanks for the reply.