Spokane Transit Authority
Eliminating Bus Stop At Manito Shopping Area
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I recently heard that STA proposes to delete the current bus stop at Manito Shopping Center and Park-n-Ride (unofficially) which is enclosed to weather from the lists of stops buses will be making.

I highly suggest that this stop NOT be eliminated due to the convenience of the stop for a vast magority of people who ride the bus. This stop caters to the professionals that park their cars at the far east end of Super One's parking lot. To remove the stop will be causing a greater inconvenice for these people as there is not another place to leave their cars during day hours.

Additional this stop is used by a least a large number of people who grocery shop at Super One. Carrying two very heavy bags of groceries a block and a half the stand out in the weather instead of utilizing a perfectly constructed covered bus stop twenty five yards from the grocery store's exit, seems only convenient for STA's plans.

If your plan is to inconvenience as many people as possible then what you propose it perfect. You've already eliminated dozens of convenient stops throughout the neighborhoods which has caused a lot of people to be disgruntled. You are increasing your fees and decreasing your service. Are you trying to eliminate mass transit completely? You are not doing anything to increase ridership.

DO NOT ELIMINATE the MANITO SHOPPING CENTER STOP. Go around the corner. It's three minutes worth of goodwill to all.