Hospital staff saw immediately that Mr. Kennedy had no chance of survival.
replied to: splizxer
Replied to: Hospital staff saw immediately that Mr. Kennedy had no chance of...
Kennedy's body was taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital for an immediate autopsy.
replied to: Augusta1
Replied to: Kennedy's body was taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital for an immediate...
Kennedy's body was NOT taken to
Bethesda Naval Hospital for an immediate autopsy.
The American Public has No Clue
what body was taken to Bethesda.
Also one of the Ugliest things
was Doctors that had NOT done am autopsy
in decades did the Autopsy on Kennedy.
JFK should have had the
#1 Autopsy person in the WORLD
actually the Top 5.
WHY ? One Answer
Can You Say "COVERUP" ?
All we know is Kennedy's Brain was removed
and then stolen by someone.
I was 13.5 yaers old on 11/22/1963
as I was born March 7th 1950
and NEVER believed that LHO killed JFK.
All EVIDENCE I've seen POINTS to a Conspiracy.
The Warren Commision Report
is One of the Biggest LIES in American History.
Try to Read It without Laughing.
A Joke Book written by a
Bunch of Mentally Challenged - IDIOTS
Righteous Robert
( A guy like Honest Abe )
Baltimore Bob