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Dear Sirs,

I have a 27 yr old son who is either schizophrenic or schizo-affective, depending on which doctor you speak to. He was diagnosed with mental illness approximately 7 years ago.

Currently he is hospitalized and receiving risperdal injections plus lepenex, dekinet, normitan, and a laxative.

Earlier on he received risperdal exclusively. Now he doesn't respond as well to risperdal. So they are treating him with a combo of risperdal and lepenex to make sure that he will always have some medication in his system.

He is still delusional.

1- I am wondering if it's realistic for him to be free of delusions?

He was never consistent about taking his medication so we didn't have a chance to see if he could be completely free of delusions.

2- Are there any supplements that he can take that would be helpful for his condition?

Thank you ever so much for your time and interest.

