Henry Hugh Tudor
Could you help with information about the 9th Division Bangalore 1917
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I am hoping that someone out there might be able to help me.
I have been most fortunate to inherit, from my Grandmother, a precious letter some 24 pages long and dated 2nd January 1918.
It is written during 1917, in green ink, and every page contains the most wonderful ink and colour illustrations of life in Bangalore at this time. The start of the letter identifies the location of the author to be Headquarters 9th Division (DDmS, Office) Bangalor and the illustrations are all signed Reg/17. He refers to having three "mucking in chums" and the content of the letter, indicates that it was written by an officer but as my grandmother felt that the last page was "overly affectionate" she disposed of it and with it the identity of the talented author.
It is a facinating glimpse into the life of serving officers in India. Although the language used would be considered inappropriate today he conveys much respect for the folk he encountered.
I would be grateful if anyone out there might help me with more information about this division or point me to where I might find out more?