Janjua rajput
Come Back To Arya Dharma- Dharma of Arjuna and Krishna
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Dear Janjua Rajput brothers,

You are the descendants of great Arjuna, who received the famous teachings of Gita. I request you people to read that Gita and come back to Arya Dharma that your ancestors Arjuna and Janmejaya followed.

Its a misconceptions that the followers of Sanatan Dharma don't worship the true god. Read Gita, Upnishadas and Vedas, you will find that they worship "one" true Ishwar/parmatma( eko aham dwitiyo nasti) who is omnipotent and omnipresent. They only remember the many aspects of same Ishwar. Sanatan Dharma is not rigid. It gives you the freedom to worship the god in you own way and seek the truth. It believes in humanity and brotherhood (vasundhaiv kutumbakam) and welcomes the good ideas (...aa no bhadra kartavo yantu vishvatah).

We are the descendants of same forefathers. Arab and Turk invaders attacked our country and forced many rajput brothers to convert. They also took the help the propaganda of some religious gurus to convert local people. Where were these so called "dharamgurus" when our innocent people were being killed in the name of religion. Where were these dharamgurus when our brave women had to perform JAUHAR ?

Arab invaders came with the philosophy of hate and divided us in two warring communities. This way they succeeded in weakening us. The sons of these invaders still ridicules your ancestors and your culture. It is high time to think about this and unite once again under the umbrella of ARYA DHARMA.