Color of veneer glue
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In a marquetry panel, consisting of an approximate equal of dark and light colored veneers, I sometimes wonder what color of veneer adhesive to use. In general, if the various veneers are medium to dark, I like to use a dark colored glue to help disguise the saw gap. (I don't use the double bevel method of cutting.) Likewise, if the veneer pieces are light, I use a light colored adhesive. However, my experiences have been that in a mixed color panel, using a dark glue can show through the light colored veneers if you have sanded the veneer too much. Also, the saw kerf around the dark veneer cartoons in the panel, almost seem highlighted by the use of a light color veneer -- even when using the a 2.0 puzzle blade. I hope someone can help me decide when to choose a dark vs light veneer glue. I also hope this is a subject of interest for others.
replied to:  abeard
Replied to:  In a marquetry panel, consisting of an approximate equal of dark...
There is different technique in marquetry. In each f them I use a mastik for the gapsthis offers you to differ your gaps coloration in different area where you have different dominating colors, but it acts also as protection to your woods.
I do not use synthtic glues because they are not reversible and I do not like the idea to have spend a lot of time for something that can not be repaired. I retore furniture by the way so I see and I know the real damage caused by those plastic glues. For my mastic I use the hide glue with sawdst. The kind of sawdust you use gives different grade of colorations, the finest the sawdust the nicest the mastic is.
I also use a brand of liquid hide glue made by the guy I work with in San Diego for glueing my marquetry on the surfaces. Even when I do only art wall marquetry panels I do not use synthtic glue, I had glue stain problem in the past becaus of the non permeability to stain of those glue.
The only time I use white glue is when I do Fusion Marquetry.
Feel free to ask more question I have been doing marquetry as a professional for many years and teaching it for couple others.

replied to:  abeard
Replied to:  In a marquetry panel, consisting of an approximate equal of dark...