Chrysler and compuware causes engineer to be homeless
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Please view my video and pass it on to your friends and colleagues. The more viewers I get, will support my case in the court of public opinion and pressure the three involved companies, Chrysler, Compuware d/b/a Professional Services, and Combustion Components to settle my 11 year homelessness.

update video on the following link:

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Search: Corporate Blacklisted engineer

I worked as a Mechanical Design Engineer for almost 20 years collectively for the following companies; Pratt and Whitney, Williams International, Ford Motor Company, and as a contract engineer for Compuware d/b/a Professional Services at Chrysler Corporation in Auburn Hills, Mi. It is the latter two to which I am forging my complaint as they told prospective employers, my private investigator and my newspaper reporter, that I was not employed by them, thus blacklisting me, and preventing from all future employment.

I believe that they did this to me because I found fault with one of Chrysler’s automotive designs that could have resulted in a safety issue, that they did not want to fix and it was easier and cheaper to get rid of me.

I took my case all the way to the Supreme Court in Washington, DC and in Boston’s Federal court ….all courts denied me justice. A lawyer representing Chrysler offered me $1000 to settle the case about 2 years ago which I refused since I felt it was like a slap in the face compared to the injustice they have caused me.

Your viewing of my video will greatly help to end my 11 yrs of homelessness by increasing public awareness of my case and consequently, will send Chrysler, Compuware and combustion components a direct message that I am not giving up and refuse to go quietly into the night.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Bill Butler

Read my story in progress at the following:

Click on blog post!