Special Olympics
Changes that need to be made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ok. Something here deffinitely needs to be figured out. My name is Joshua Powell, and I have been involved with Special Olympics Colorado for the most part of my life... but in that time I have seen people shortage... in the means of volunteers, spectators and what not, why's that? Failure to advertise. For example. When I went to the fund raiser for Krispy Kreme, I had brought donuts to my team for our final practice, only to find out that nobody had heard about it. Because of the lack of funds, and consumers it is possible this fundraiser may not happen next year, etleast at the location that I was working at. This could be only a beginning. This fundraiser was also sent as a notification to a local radio station, by a police officer, resulting in nothing. The problem with that, is that Special Olympics is not as big as it could, or should be. I've been told by some people that Special Olympics is a minority... the only reason for that, is that, it has been made that way by people who have grown to ignore special olympics, or there are just way to few people that actually care about it, and it's athletes which is what Special Olympics is truly about. I would like to try and change the fact about the state that special olympics Colorado is in... but I can't do it alone. Somethings take a few good men and women to take care of... this takes alot of good men and women. Please think about these words.

Thank you,

Joshua Powell