Atheistic Science Openly Challenged
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Einstein changed the paradigm of physical sciences in 1905 under which existence of God is impossible. Now Atheism at the physical level has been challenged as Einstein's all theories have been shown to be incorrect and consequently openly challenged on the basis of published articles. Open challenge is on World Science Database & General Science Journal and also on.

The Quranic perspective of creation & existence has been scientifically conceived for the first time and substantiated by publishing scientific research articles in peer-reviewed journals. On the basis of these published articles the open challenge has been put forward.
Following is the list of published articles & sites where these published articles are available.
1. Experimental & Theoretical Evidences of Fallacy of Space-time Concept and Actual State of Existence of the Physical Universe (; March2012)
2. Foundation of Theory of Everything: Non-living Things & Living Things (; Sep 2010)
3.Michelson-Morley Experiment: A Misconceived & Misinterpreted Experiment (; April 2011)
4. Energy Theory of Matter & Cosmology (; August 2010)
5. 'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies' by Albert Einstein is Based on Trickeries ( Feb.2012)
6.Ultimate Proof of Energy Theory of Matter & Cosmology (; August 2010)
7. Theory of Origin & Phenomenon of Life (; August 2010)
These publications are also available on,, viXra, Intellectual Archives & ResearchGate in my profile.
replied to:  ShafiqKhan
Replied to:  Einstein changed the paradigm of physical sciences in 1905 under which...
Actually atheism used to keep the purity of natural science is Islam's best opportunity to convert Christianity and Marxism yet. The Koran says that the sorcerer gets nothing, is mirrored by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto saying that religion is the opiates of the people, which exactly explains why the Texas Native American Church had to win a federal court battle against the State of Texas in 1994, that allows native americans to use powdered peyote in religious ceremony ( religion being a narcotic of the people here).
The Dred Scott Supreme Court case back in the 1850's galvanized the abolitionist movement into forming the Republican Party to nominate Abraham Lincoln for president. The South threatened the USA with leaving the Union to become The Confederacy if Lincoln was to be elected president. The Union took the bolshevik side of class warfare and the redistribution of the wealth against wealthy plantation owners. The border states like Missouri took the menshevik side, by giving military support to retake the Confederacy for the Union, allowing constitutional change to remove slavery from the United States. This is Bolshevik-Menshevik instability, as socialism does not allow military conquest to complete the goals of socialism.
Today the United States is to the left of Communist China, for former senator Eugene McCarthy's nightmare of Bolshevik-Menshevik instability of a world army of 666,666,666 commies under the Communist Minister of Ideology, forming the laws of the USA. The Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists Clock seconds to midnight until nuclear war, can be used by commies to produce unilateral disarmament of western nations.
Before she founded Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy was intensely in favor of the Union, as she was married to a man who owned slaves in South Carolina when she was first married. Her first husband died shortly after marriage from an epidemic. Abolitionist tendencies towards athiesm caused her to quit the 4004 BC creation-based Congregationalist church of her youth to found Christian Science.
replied to:  Volcilord
Replied to:  Actually atheism used to keep the purity of natural...
The best approach would be to rectify religions of the wholesale corruptions for which humanity would need courageous philanthropist philosophers. The human religion is very simple in principle and also very simple to explain. Humans have souls and souls have three characteristics namely
1. Human Ego (the I of the individual)

1. Innate knowledge of the Creator

1. Innate Moral Law (innate knowledge of rightness & wrongness of all actions humans may do & even think of doing)

Now souls are not made up of matter and are made up of substance which cannot be physically seen.
In Quran it is stated at four places 'I have sent all the prophets to convey good news & as warners'
Good news is that human souls are eternal and warning is that humans will be answerable for the actions of his lifetime as to whether they lived in accordance of the defined Moral Law and in the afterlife their state of existence would depend upon their actions of the lifetime.
This is crux of religion & everything which contradicts these basic principles of religion is corruption.
Now their has to be a system of governance where the law is based on Moral Law.
A very brief synopsis would clarify my work to you & all members & justify the relevance of my work to paradigm shift in physics. Aristotle considered space as finite & absolute, time as absolute and matter as absolute thereby God had no power on space, time & matter but he empowered God with the power as Prime Mover of everything (matter). Newton through his laws held that matter moves in nature not because of God but because of inherent nature of matter by which matter attracts other matter.Coming to how Newton's Laws are wrong? From the time of Aristotle space was considered as finite & absolute till 1905. Thus at the time Newton also same perspective of space was held.
Now then finite space means that the universe has boundaries and according to Law of Gravitation the stars/galaxies on the periphery of the universe will be attracted towards the central universe and according to 2nd Law of Motion these peripheral stars/galaxies will accelerate towards the centre of the universe finally to collapse there. Thus finite space (the nature of space known at the time of Newton) and Law of Gravitation are contradictory. Newton assumed sun at rest but under Newton's Laws the rest condition of any celestrial object is just not possible. Having rejected the Descartes's aether and assumed the space as vacuum; in the 1st Law of Motion he states that objects with uniform (linear) motion faces absolutely no resistance but under second Law of Motion Newton states that objects pose resistance to the change in motion which he represented by inertia or mass. He assigns no physical reason to this resistance to the change in motion and it is here the philosophy/rationality was sacrificed on mathematics. Now even today physicists do not know what is mass & where it is in the particles. Adoption of Newton's Laws was the greatest scientific error in the history of science. This was done by Newton to reject the existence of aether which was scientifically introduced by Descartes. Newton introduced irrational & incorrect laws which closed the doors of investigation into the existence of God especially by rejecting the existence of aether which together with nature of light contained the secrets of reality. It is very well known that Newton laws cannot be correct as explained by Mach & others; whatever corrections were required those corrections Einstein introduced with the help very confusing trickeries (described in detail in my article Experimental & Theoretical Evidences of Fallacy of Space-time Concept and Actual State of Existence of the Physical Universe; March2012). Now a paradigm of physics was defined by Einstein under which God just cannot exist. Four constituents of the universe were reduced to two by Einstein namely space-time concept and matter & energy transmutability where space is emergent, matter is emergent and time is interconnected with space. Philosophically for any existence including God there are two basic requirements namely space & substance. Without discussing the substance; by the emergent space is meant that space came into existence at a point in time as such there is no possiblity that eternal God could have existed before the space came into existence i.e. 13.7 billion years ago or thereafter. Both of them; Newton & Einstein; had rejected aether before introducing their laws & theories. Whereas aether has been shown to be existing and containing the secrets of light & time. Once aether is accepted space is again finite & absolute, time is relative depending upon motion of the observer, and as humans perceive it, time is emergent and matter is not absolute but emergent. Now for emergence of matter & time the existence of God is a pre-condition and once we investigate the matter, aether & forces in nature there have to be substances which do not have electromagnetic properties & cannot be seen. Soul & God being substances without any electromagnetic properties as such both cannot be seen.
replied to:  ShafiqKhan
Replied to:  The best approach would be to rectify religions of the wholesale...
The half life of U-238-92 ,4.46 billion years matches the age of the Sun. The half life of Th-232-90, 14.1 billion years is the time since the first supernova. Red shift can be explained by increasing the electron rest mass since the Big Bang, and proportionally reducing the speed of light, so that objects made physically smaller on Earth by a more massive electron, cannot have this effect observed. The mass of a star needed to conduct nuclear fusion would also become less over time. Helium-6 in valence as a nuclear molecule stabilizes the 9700 year half life of Cm-250-96 (made only by hydrogen bomb), by the 82 million year half-life of Pu-244-94 (also made by the slow decay of Cm-248-96), which is stabilized by He-6-2 in valence of an inner core of U-238-92, which is stabilized by He-6-2 in valence of an inner core of Th-232-90. Valence He-6-2 can be explained as two dark matter protons with muons in valence, plus two protons and two normal neutrons.
Before the Big Bang sound waves would use muons that gradually increase in rest mass, as the speed of sound in a universe of ether proportionally decreases. The critical mass used by nuclear reactors would ignore the speed of light for the purpose of swapping fission fragments for an isotope that is much more stable under intense pressure, the critcal mass is the most stable manifestation of the intermediate vector boson of neutral weak current. Proton-proton nuclear fusion is easier for nature to produce than carbon-nitrogen-oxygen nuclear fusion, as electron capture would have U-238 instead stable under pressure Th-238 at the center of the Sun. The 86% spontaneous fission decay rate for Cm-250 on Earth would instead be Cm-250-96 = C-12-6 + Th-238-90. The Sun now has a pathway around Be-8-4 to fuse helium into carbon besides critical mass as used on Earth. When the electron over billions of years gets massive enough, CNO nuclear fusion would be favored to the points that the cores of stars would produce carbon-based polymers that fuse hydrogen, instead of nuclear molecules that by electron capture fuse hydrogen. Critcal-mass catalysed cold nuclear fusion that uses special carbon-based polymers in living dolls (dorsum), that cause their eyes to glow red during exorcism, allows the approach of critical mass by both sides of two distant planets (may be in light years distant), where the universe is still ether to those dealing with an exorcism.
I have also made comments using the forums: The Ultimate Fate of the Universe, and If Time Travel is Possible. The tendency to create structures greater than the Great Pyramid of Egypt to conduct nuclear war with, may require exorcism on both sides.
replied to:  Volcilord
Replied to:  The half life of U-238-92 ,4.46 billion years matches...
Not one of Einstein's theories have been found to be wrong.

You are talking Scientific nonesense.

It is better to say nothing and be thought ignorant than to open your mouth and prove it.

Crawl back under the stone from where you came, and don't post LIES.

Also do not even think of saying Web sites that contradict this, the Web is full of liars and idiots.

replied to:  Ashcan
Replied to:  Not one of Einstein's theories have been found to be wrong....
Scientists have not yet fully explained red shift, which is the most easily explained by increasing electron rest mass over time, which requires the speed of light to slow over time to keep everything in proportion. Back in 1980 Scientific American published theory about nuclear molecules, which best fits half life stability on the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Table of the Isotopes. Massive isotopes tend to be stabilized as if He-6-2 is in valence around a tighter inner nucleus. Two dark matter protons with dark matter muons plus two protons and two neutrons could be this apparent valence stability of the massive isotopes. Au-197, Tl-203, and Bi-209 show by being stable, what looks like He-6-2 in valence around a tighter inner nucleus. Sir Isaac Newton was secretly and illegally an alchemist late in his life, and if he knew about this, he would have wasted all of his alchemist effort on cold nuclear fusion.
replied to:  Volcilord
Replied to:  Scientists have not yet fully explained red shift, which is the...
My response was a direct reply to your statement, Eistein's three theories put forward in three papers hve not been found to be innaccurate.

Einstein did not publish a peer reviewed paper on Red shift, his general nor special theories will not be affected by any change in theory over red shift.

If you have no argument do not start one.

Most of Science is open to debate that is what makes it superior to blind faith, what you read in a book written by some bloke in the 8th century, you take as FAITH.

Science unlike faith is after truth, and consequently people put forwards ideas, they test them and wait for them to be demolished, that takes strength, and moral fibre.

The God you have faith in gets upset because some one doesn't believe in him (male) whereas the whole point of Science is to find what makes up the Universe, and why it works the way it does, and if an idea fails, then that is one step further to finding what makes it work.

It will not be done in our lifetimes, nor for probably a few thousand years, there are too many unanswered questions, but starting by making stupid statements about Einstein's theories merely marks you as someone who is brain washed into belieiving what one person wrote.

Science does not make that simple mistake.

When Einstein came along Newton had to be re-evaluated, no doubt some time in the future Newton will be revisited and re-adjusted, and probably so will Einstein, in the mean time they are not wrong, and never will be.

1 + 1 = 2

Is still 1 + 1 = 2 even with the further knowledge that 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 it is just tat the original is seen in a knew light.

And Newton being an Alchemeist is nothing knew he was experimenting all experimenters in Chemicals were called alchemists back then, their was no term Scientist, that came later.

There is plenty of argument that there are not seven colours in the rainbow, I can prve at least nine, however it is mere point of view and ability to detect differences, some people cannot see seven.
replied to:  Ashcan
Replied to:  My response was a direct reply to your statement, Eistein's three...
I have found that what I wrote agrees most with Chairman Mao's steady state universe, where a scientist had to deal with persecution for publishing a paper about the Big Bang. The half-life of Th-232 is longer than the Big Bang and it is only released from stars by going supernova. Energy release where the more massive muon substitutes for the electron, would explain as nuclear molecules, the energy mankind produces by fission. Whole atoms respond to sound as well as electromagnetism, so before the Big Bang sound in a thin gas of neutrons would substitute for light. When gravity became intense enough for sound not to escape out into space by the collapse of massive stars, the Big Bang began as "Let There Be Light." There is nothing to prevent dark matter stars from becoming normal matter by dark matter supernova, and this would bulk up the early universe.
replied to:  Volcilord
Replied to:  I have found that what I wrote agrees most with Chairman...
This is reply to all. Einstein has been mathematically, theoreticallyand experimentally proved to be great trickster in a published scientific research article titled 'Experimental & Theoretical Evidences of Fallacy of Space-time Concept and Actual State of Existence of the Physical Universe (; March2012) available on the link
These being findings of scientific research article published in peer-reviewed journal so no Tom, Dick & Harry can reject or question the findings in the published article for which the well known & accepted scientific procedure is publication of the valid rebuttal article in peer-reviewed journals.
replied to:  ShafiqKhan
Replied to:  This is reply to all. Einstein has been mathematically, theoreticallyand experimentally...
Ashcan may have much better than an Associates in Arts degree that I have, and his purpose is by writing here, is to keep science pure. What I have wrote may help nuclear energy production more than pure science. The best test that I can think of for cold nuclear fusion does not consume electricity. Place a sample of pure Cm-246 into a light water nuclear reactor to remove after about a 200 day fuel cycle. Any Bk-247 produced instead of Cm-247 is proof of cold nuclear fusion, as it is almost impossible under those conditions to strip two neutrons away from Bk-249. Communist China shows Buddhist roots, but because Moses created a golden serpent to protect viewers from snakebite, it later removed by his law by King Hezekiah, the Chinese government is not protected by revolution from conversion to Islam. All Islam has to do is to get China to take heart in the moral code of Iran, a nation that China has friendly ties with. Bahi'a is the mildest Islam from Iran, but it can still convert Communism.