Alcubierre drive
An ideea for improving the theory behind the Alcubierre drive(and other thoughts on FTL)
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I would really appreciate if someone with good solid knowledge in the fields of relativity and quantum mechanics would reply to this post. I am really curios what the possible answers could be.

The Alcubierre drive has been criticized on several aspects. One of these is the possibility of leaving the "warp bubble". Indeed, if you travel several light-years by stretching space-time, if you close the bubble wouldn't you just return in the process? It would seem that the relativistic idea that no matter or information can travel faster then light is still maintained. But I thought of a possible theoretical solution, and I would really like to know if anyone else thinks it could be a good idea. I think quantum tunneling might give the means to just "jump" through the warped space-time and get to the normal space-time surrounding the "bubble", once you've traveled several light years with it.

I wonder also if this idea can be linked to quantum entanglement or wormholes? My suggestion could be interpreted as making a "quantum tunnel" through warped space-time. This interpretation sounds a lot like wormholes and to my knowledge all relativistic calculations suggest wormholes do allow faster than light travel. As for quantum entanglement, it is an example of quantum phenomena that contradicts relativity.

Perhaps these questions can only be answered once quantum physics and the general theory of relativity are truly united. Perhaps quantum tunneling through space-time is the means for creating wormholes. Einstein himself showed mathematically that wormholes could exist and allow faster then light travel, but he also showed wormholes cannot be created, they must already exist. But perhaps a true theory of unification could show that they can be created.

What do you think?