Cardiac electrophysiology
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48 year old female. Always had palpitations. Had an EP study, numerous holtersHolter monitor (24h, stress test and can't find anythng wrong with my heart. All they catch on the holtersHolter monitor (24h) are PVC's and PAC's with some salvos. My question is the last couple of nights I am laying in bed on my stomach and wake up in the middle of the night and my heart is beating normally and then all of a sudden it takes off really fast - beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, pause, thump. This can happen a couple of times and then go back to normal when I either hold my breath or move to a different position. I just find it hard to believe there is nothing wrong with it when it does odd things like that. If there was anything wrong with my heart would the EP study have picked up on it?? They can't find a thing wrong with it?