3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion
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3rd Amtracs was attached to BLT 2/9 from Aug 1970 to Dec 1970 on ' FloatMission' with a Naval combined Force along the Viet Nam Border and several other Islands .
During that time the 2nd Plt.'C'co, 3rd Amtracs was used to off load 2 500 gal. furl pods, I was the Crew Cheif of the Amtrac.
While waterborne the Amtrac hit something in the water and an EXPLOSION OCCURED --Blowing the Cargo Doors Loose and the Hatch Cover at My Station into the back of my head and knocking me into the Periscopes.
If there is Anyone that was abord the USS Deluth (I Believe) that may have whitnessed the EXPLOSION and could verify it in writing foe me to complete my Disability with the VA it would be Appreciated.
there were several other ships at the site as well 1 was the uss okinawa.