Winchester Model 1894
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Winchester 1894 front sight 0 11/20/2016
Winchester 30-30 lever action nickel steel barrel octagon model 1894 patent aug 21 1894 ser# 87180 tiger stipe stock very nice where can i fi... 0 2/9/2016
I posted about a model 1894 with serial #61063 nobody answered why not id'll like 2 know what it is worth no hextagon barrel 0 11/11/2015
I have a model 1894 with a serial number of 61063 when was it made 0 11/9/2015
Have a Win.1894 .38-55 stainless,made between 1925 -1927 I believe there were 400 produced. Any idea on this firearm,value or how many produced? 0 9/4/2015
Can anyone tell me the value of a Winchester Model 1894 30/30 rifle? 0 8/4/2015
I have found an 1894 ser # 3472547 that has never been fired could anyone tell what it is worth, i was told it was made in the 40s 0 6/20/2015
I have a small dime size gold madallion that has 1894 Win Rep arms Co. New Haven on the back of it. On the front it has a picture of a native American... 0 6/13/2015
I have a real clean 94 1907 , It has a few nicks on the right side of the barrel. (small). is this common? Does this devalue the rifle much? 0 6/3/2015
I have a winchester model 32 made in 1896 can any one tell me it's approximate worth? The gun is is good condition with two diamond inlays in the f... 0 2/24/2015
Can you tell me what year my gun was manufatured,with a 2381041 serial number 1 7/25/2014
A friend is looking for a "loop lever" for a Winchester model 94 30/30... anyone know where a lever ONLY can be purchased ?? 0 3/13/2014
I just acquired a Model 94 carbine built 1949 in Winchester 32 special. What is the magazine capacity? This has thq 20" barrel. 0 11/16/2013
I have a pre 64 model 94, serial #255xxxx, 30-30, all nickle in very good condition. What do you think it's worth (appox)? Thanks 1 10/26/2013
I have a winchester model 1894 bored in 32-40. gun is in good condition , action smooth trigger and hammer is solid. some pitting on barrell wich is 2... 0 9/6/2013