War of 1812
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  Subject Replies Date
How is a famos person it the war of 1812 0 10/7/2015
My ggg grandfather was in capt. timothy phelps' company mo. mounted militia. enlisted june 1, 1815-aug. 8, 1815. he went in as a private. on his paper... 0 4/9/2015
What were some of the factors that led to peace? 2 7/18/2014
Course of the war 1 6/16/2014
Origins of the war 1 6/16/2014
Where did President live during White House restoration? 0 4/25/2014
The name of the doctor on the uss brig niagra on sept. 1813? 0 11/15/2013
How did the war of 1812 relate to US expansionism? 1 5/12/2013
I need to know the name of a British gunboat? 7 letters Country with the strongest land army in Europe? 6 letters Country with the strongest lan... 0 3/17/2013