War in Afghanistan (2001–present)
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  Subject Replies Date
No end in sight 4 2/25/2015
See it through to victory 2 11/27/2014
Is there a centralized command structure fot Taliban forces operating in Afghanistan? Who is mullah omar? 0 11/25/2014
Why is it taking so long to train the Afghan army? A lot of the U.S. soldiers over there are 18 or 19 - which means that were 10 or 11 when the war s... 6 11/2/2014
Who's side is Karzai on? There is a lot of contradictory evidence. 4 10/27/2014
The Taliban is a diversion - this war is really about Pakistan 5 10/21/2014
When will the war in Afghanistan end? 7 10/1/2014
The Afghanistan war is total insanity and needs to end now! 6 9/13/2014
What does victory look like in Afghanistan? 4 8/19/2014