Theodore Roosevelt
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  Subject Replies Date
What did Theodore Roosevelt think of the millionaire club? 0 2/17/2016
What were some of his interests, besides government? What led him to become a cowboy? 1 2/21/2015
What was his favorite thing to eat 0 11/4/2014
Why was the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial named after him? 0 7/23/2014
The African safari 1 7/17/2014
Presidency 1 6/14/2014
David McCullough's "Mornings on Horseback" made reference to Teddy's paternal grandmother. I am looking for some information on her - I believe her m... 0 12/29/2013
What did he believe about Imperialism and how did he work to support it or in opposition to Imperialism? 0 12/7/2013
What were Roosevelt's political beliefs? 2 3/8/2012