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Like the Christens have the 10 Commandments, what are the rules that Muslim must follow? (If possible please post a link or provide as much details as... 1 9/10/2014
Outline what happens during and after a burial in the islamic tradition. 0 12/17/2013
Briefly describe the muslim approach to marriage. 0 12/17/2013
How is a young muslim child introduced to the faith? 0 12/17/2013
Why is the prophet's mosque an important site to muslims? 0 12/15/2013
Why is the ka'bah revered by muslims? 0 12/15/2013
What element of the islamic faith has had the most profound effect on yasser qurashi? 0 12/15/2013
Where did yasser qurashi learn to pray? 0 12/15/2013
Why is prayer important to yasser qurashi? 0 12/15/2013