John F. Kennedy assassination
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  Subject Replies Date
Who killed Kennedy? 1 1/12/2019
What if JFK wasn't assassinated? 0 1/12/2016
Why was jfk in dallas? 0 1/9/2016
Information compression /JFK 0 5/30/2015
Has anyone thought of information compression events and how it could now be applied knowing what we know now about the subject to the Kennedy assasin... 0 5/30/2015
Oswald had Nothing to do with the assassination 0 11/22/2014
Discuss the implications of an American leader being assassinated from a psychological or sociologic 0 6/11/2014
How did JFK's personal and political ideologies possibly contribute to his assassination? 1 6/11/2014
Was any of the procedures of security ingored i=on the day of the assasination ?? 0 3/14/2014
Hi, my name is Megan I am in high school in louisville ky I need to find some one or several people that are in there mid 50s to tell me exactly... 3 2/2/2014
Death and autopsy 2 4/11/2013
Recordings of the assassination 1 3/7/2012
What were some criticisms of the FBI? 2 1/1/2011
Aftermath 1 1/1/2011