Human fertilization
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  Subject Replies Date
What medical complications can accompany human fertilization? 2 6/15/2014
How many game have to birth anyone 0 11/14/2013
Some years ago science announced that it was possible to fertilize an ovule by an ovule, the DNA of one ovule could be injected in the other ovule. Is... 0 10/12/2013
PLEASE reply a.s.a.p. when a guy and a gal get into bed....and have foreplay... the guy's sexual organ may have some sperm fluid that could b excret... 0 8/4/2013
In what part of the female reproductive tract do the sperm and egg meet? 1 7/7/2013
Summary of fertilization 1 6/21/2013
How does human fertilization occur in the case of multiple births? 2 4/9/2012
History of scientific study 1 3/8/2012
What happens to the female ovum when it is fertilized? 2 3/7/2012
How does human fertilization occur? 2 2/4/2011
Is the baby alive at fertilization? 2 1/1/2011