David (Michelangelo)
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  Subject Replies Date
What is the theme of David 0 10/13/2018
Who were the other artists who commissioned the statue before Michaelangelo? 2 10/27/2016
Where was it commissioned to be installed? 2 7/19/2015
why did David like bethsheba more than abigail the wise woman? 0 11/25/2014
With what is it made of 0 10/18/2014
Where is the statue at prsent?????? 1 10/18/2014
How old is David? 1 9/19/2014
Was "david" made for a reason? 1 6/12/2014
How much does Michelangelo's David weigh? 1 4/30/2014
Why was Michelangelo's David sculpted in the nude? 1 2/8/2014
As David was a Jewish boy he was to be circumcised, so the David of Michelangelo is not. 0 10/4/2013
How much does david (michelangelo) weigh? 3 4/23/2013
What form of sculpture is David made from? 2 4/11/2013
Where is the statue displayed? 1 2/20/2011
anyone know the size/weight of the block of stone used in the sculpture? 0 2/12/2011
Is this a different version conceptwise from the other Davids made by Donatello's and Verrocchio? 2 2/5/2011