San Joaquín, Carabobo
San Joaquín is a city and municipality located in Carabobo State, Venezuela
Venezuela , officially called the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , is a tropical country on the northern coast of South America. It borders Colombia to the west, Guyana to the east, and Brazil to the south...

. It borders Aragua State to the north, the Lake Valencia
Lake Valencia
Lake Valencia is the third largest lake in Venezuela, exceeded in size only by Lake Maracaibo and Lake Guri. It occupies one of the so-called Aragua valleys, enclosed between the parallel mountain ranges of the Cordillera de la Costa, the Maritime Andes. One part is within the limits of Carabobo...

 to the south, the Diego Ibarra Municipality
Diego Ibarra Municipality
The Diego Ibarra Municipality is one of the 14 municipalities that makes up the Venezuelan state of Carabobo and, according to a 2007 population estimate by the National Institute of Statistics of Venezuela, the municipality has a population of 110,131...

 to the east, and the Guacara Municipality
Guacara Municipality
The Guacara Municipality is one of the 14 municipalities that makes up the Venezuelan state of Carabobo and, according to a 2007 population estimate by the National Institute of Statistics of Venezuela, the municipality has a population of 171,123...

to the west.

In 2001, the city's population was 47,920.

External links

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