Rosario María Gutiérrez Eskildsen
María del Rosario Gutiérrez Eskildsen (Villahermosa, Tabasco
Tabasco officially Estado Libre y Soberano de Tabasco is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided in 17 municipalities and its capital city is Villahermosa....

, April 16, 1899 — Mexico City
Mexico City
Mexico City is the Federal District , capital of Mexico and seat of the federal powers of the Mexican Union. It is a federal entity within Mexico which is not part of any one of the 31 Mexican states but belongs to the federation as a whole...

 May 12, 1979) was a Mexican lexicographer, linguist, educator, and poet who is remembered for her studies on the regional peculiarities of speech in her home state of Tabasco as well as for her pioneering work as a teacher and pedagogue in Tabasco and Mexico in general. She has at times been described as Tabasco's first woman
A professional is a person who is paid to undertake a specialised set of tasks and to complete them for a fee. The traditional professions were doctors, lawyers, clergymen, and commissioned military officers. Today, the term is applied to estate agents, surveyors , environmental scientists,...


The community of María del Rosario Gutiérrez Eskildsen in Centla
Municipalities of Tabasco
The Mexican state of Tabasco is made up of 17 municipalities ....

 Municipality, Tabasco, is named in her honor.

Life and work

She was born in Villahermosa (then known as San Juan Bautista) on what was then called Calle
Calle means "street" in Spanish.Street soccer is also commonly referred to as "Calle".Calle can also refer to the following items:-People:*Humberto De la Calle*Calle Johansson*Calle Jularbo*Andres Garcia La Calle*Sophie Calle-Music and media:...

Grijalva River
Grijalva River, formerly known as Tabasco River. is a 480 km long river in southeastern Mexico. It is named after Juan de Grijalva who visited the area in 1518. The river rises in Chiapas highlands and flows from Chiapas to the state of Tabasco through the Sumidero Canyon into the Bay of...

, her parents were Antonio Gutiérrez Carriles, a Spaniard, and Juana Eskildsen Cáceres de Gutiérrez, a native of Campeche
Campeche is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. Located in Southeast Mexico, it is bordered by the states of Yucatán to the north east, Quintana Roo to the east, and Tabasco to the south west...

 of Danish descent. She was left orphan at a young age when first her mother, and then her father, died; two of her five brothers would die young as well. In order to keep financially afloat, her sister María del Carmen gave piano lessons, while Rosario, along with her older brother Guillermo, sold copies of the local newspaper El correo de Tabasco on street corners, for which they earned about 10 centavos
Mexican peso
The peso is the currency of Mexico. Modern peso and dollar currencies have a common origin in the 15th–19th century Spanish dollar, most continuing to use its sign, "$". The Mexican peso is the 12th most traded currency in the world, the third most traded in the Americas, and by far the most...

 a day.

Gutiérrez Eskildsen was a dedicated student throughout her schooling, the first part of which she concluded at the Instituto Juárez
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco is a public institution of higher learning located in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico...

 of Villahermosa, an advanced preparatory school founded by politician and educator Manuel Sánchez Mármol
Manuel Sánchez Mármol
Manuel Sánchez Mármol was a Mexican writer, journalist, lawyer, politician, and a member of the Mexican Academy of Language.-Biography:...

. In 1918, at the age of 19 she moved to Mexico City in order to continue her studies, during the day working as a primary school teacher and during the evening attending classes at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, from which she would obtain an M.A.
Master of Arts (postgraduate)
A Master of Arts from the Latin Magister Artium, is a type of Master's degree awarded by universities in many countries. The M.A. is usually contrasted with the M.S. or M.Sc. degrees...

 in Spanish Literature and later a doctorate
A doctorate is an academic degree or professional degree that in most countries refers to a class of degrees which qualify the holder to teach in a specific field, A doctorate is an academic degree or professional degree that in most countries refers to a class of degrees which qualify the holder...

 in Spanish linguistics. It was during this time that she succeeded in winning Barnard College's
Barnard College
Barnard College is a private women's liberal arts college and a member of the Seven Sisters. Founded in 1889, Barnard has been affiliated with Columbia University since 1900. The campus stretches along Broadway between 116th and 120th Streets in the Morningside Heights neighborhood in the borough...

 Lillian Emma Kimball Graduate Fellow
A fellow in the broadest sense is someone who is an equal or a comrade. The term fellow is also used to describe a person, particularly by those in the upper social classes. It is most often used in an academic context: a fellow is often part of an elite group of learned people who are awarded...

ship for Spanish studies at Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University in the City of New York is a private, Ivy League university in Manhattan, New York City. Columbia is the oldest institution of higher learning in the state of New York, the fifth oldest in the United States, and one of the country's nine Colonial Colleges founded before the...

 (where her mentors would include professors Tomás Navarro Tomás and Federico de Onís).

Gutiérrez Eskildsen would go on to write more than a dozen books and many more articles on topics pertaining to grammar and linguistics in general, and dialectology
Dialectology is the scientific study of linguistic dialect, a sub-field of sociolinguistics. It studies variations in language based primarily on geographic distribution and their associated features...

, language pedagogy, phonetics
Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that comprises the study of the sounds of human speech, or—in the case of sign languages—the equivalent aspects of sign. It is concerned with the physical properties of speech sounds or signs : their physiological production, acoustic properties, auditory...

, and prosody
Prosody (linguistics)
In linguistics, prosody is the rhythm, stress, and intonation of speech. Prosody may reflect various features of the speaker or the utterance: the emotional state of the speaker; the form of the utterance ; the presence of irony or sarcasm; emphasis, contrast, and focus; or other elements of...

, in particular; the studies Substrato y superestrato del español en Tabasco, Prosodia y fonética tabasqueña, Cómo hablamos en Tabasco y otros trabajos [How we talk in Tabasco] are considered, as in the case of the contributions of Marcos E. Becerra
Marcos E. Becerra
Marcos E. Becerra was a prolific Mexican writer, poet, and politician. He produced pioneering historical, linguistic, philological, and ethnographic studies relating to his country's pre-Columbian and early colonial past. He held important posts in the Mexican Federal Government as well as in the...

 and Francisco J. Santamaría
Francisco J. Santamaría
Francisco Javier Santamaría was an influential Mexican writer and politician who is best remembered for his contributions to the study of Mexican literature and lexicography; he variously worked or published as a bibliographer, essayist, geographer, journalist, judge, lawyer, lexicographer,...

, to be pioneering works on the subject of Tabascan dialectology. She was also an avid epistle
An epistle is a writing directed or sent to a person or group of people, usually an elegant and formal didactic letter. The epistle genre of letter-writing was common in ancient Egypt as part of the scribal-school writing curriculum. The letters in the New Testament from Apostles to Christians...

r who corresponded assiduously with colleagues and former students alike.

Rosario María Gutiérrez Eskildsen never married, explaining, whenever asked, that her desire was to dedicate her life exclusively to her investigative and educational work. Nevertheless, she unexpectedly became the (adoptive) mother of a 17 year old newly orphaned teacher, Sergio Gómez Cabello, whose unhappy situation she learned about in 1953 while visiting the elementary school where he taught. She died in Mexico City in 1979 and was buried alongside her brother, Guillermo.

Published works

(list not comprehensive)
  • Prosodia y fonética de Tabasco. 1934

  • El habla popular y campesina de Tabasco. 1941

  • Héroes civiles y mexicanos notables. 1950

  • Segundo curso de lengua y literatura españolas: (unidades de trabajo). 1962

  • Primer curso de español, unidades de trabajo. 1966

  • Cartilla para enseñar española. 1971

  • Introducción a la gramática estructural: para uso de los maestros de primeria y primer grado de enseñanza media. 1974

  • Información gramatical; sexto año primaria. 1974

  • Segundo curso de español; unidades de trabajo. 1974

  • Español, primer curso de enseñanza media, unidades por objetivos: conforme a los nuevos programas de la reforma educativa. 1976

  • Español, segundo curso de enseñanza media, unidades por objetivos: conforme a los nuevos programas de la reforma educativa.1976

  • Substrato y superestrato del español de Tabasco. 1978

  • Cómo hablamos en Tabasco y otros trabajos. 1981

See also

  • Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española
    Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española
    The Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española or DRAE is the most authoritative dictionary of the Spanish language. It is produced, edited, and published by the Real Academia Española ; the first edition was published in 1780...

  • Andrés Bello
    Andrés Bello
    Andrés de Jesús María y José Bello López was a Venezuelan humanist, poet, lawmaker, philosopher, educator and philologist, whose political and literary works constitute an important part of Spanish American culture...

  • Alfonso Caso
    Alfonso Caso
    Alfonso Caso y Andrade was an archaeologist who made important contributions to pre-Columbian studies in his native Mexico. Caso believed that the systematic study of ancient Mexican civilizations was an important way to understand Mexican cultural roots...

  • Miguel Antonio Caro
    Miguel Antonio Caro
    Miguel Antonio Caro Tobar was a Colombian scholar, poet, journalist, philosopher, orator, philologist, lawyer and politician.- Biographic data :Miguel Antonio Caro was born in Bogotá on November 10, 1845, and he died in the same city on August 5, 1909....

  • Rufino José Cuervo
    Rufino José Cuervo
    Rufino José Cuervo Urisarri , was a Colombian writer, linguist and philologist.He studied Latin and Greek, but the main part of his work was dedicated to the study of the dialectal variations of Spanish spoken in Colombia...

  • Joaquín García Icazbalceta
    Joaquín García Icazbalceta
    Joaquín García Icazbalceta was a Mexican philologist and historian. He edited writings by Mexican writers who preceded him, wrote a biography of Juan de Zumárraga, and translated William H. Prescott's Conquest of Mexico...

  • Andrés Iduarte
    Andrés Iduarte
    Andrés Iduarte Foucher was a distinguished Mexican essayist and member of the Mexican Academy of Language.-Biography:...

  • María Moliner
    María Moliner
    María Moliner was a Spanish librarian and lexicographer. She is perhaps best-known for her Diccionario de uso del español, first published in 1966-1967, when she completed the work started in 1952.-Biography:María Juana Moliner Ruiz was the eldest daughter of Enrique Moliner, a doctor and son of...

  • Ramón Menéndez Pidal
    Ramón Menéndez Pidal
    Ramón Menéndez Pidal was a Spanish philologist and historian. He worked extensively on the history of the Spanish language and Spanish folklore and folk poetry. One of his main topics was the history and legend of The Cid....

  • Meshico
    Meshico is a term which began to be employed in the middle of the 20th century by a group of Mexican intellectuals connected to the influential magazine Meshico Grande in order to define a philosophical and sociological stance based on an authentic ontology of the Mexican person, one that would...

External links

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