Russian Mafia
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I have been told by a Russian who left the Ukraine, he is not Jewish, that only Jewish persons were allowed to emigrate from Russia. He also said that Trotsky, Lenin, and Stalin were all Jewish. He said that the communists were almost all exclusively Jewish. All the information I find does confirm his information. He also said that Franklin Roosevelt was a Jew along with his cousin Eleanor were all Jewish. After much research I found this was alluded to as being true. Is this why he promoted communist programs in the United States? I am finding it interesting to see that most of the immigrants from Russia are Jewish. Is the United States restricting immigration of Russians who are not Jewish or is Russia restricting their emigration?
replied to:  bruce22
Replied to:  I have been told by a Russian who left the Ukraine,...
I think they emigrate to escape persecution in Russia.
replied to:  tjames
Replied to:  I think they emigrate to escape persecution in Russia.
I was told that an "ordinary" Russian was not allowed to leave the "state" but a Jew can go work in the United States return do whatever that they want because a Jew in Russia is privileged over all other people. If Alaska is like the other states I believe this is true because the Russian Jews can come and go as they please here buy the other Russians must really have all sorts of permissions or be on government assignment to come to Alaska. In other words the Jews are persecuting the non-Jew population in Russia. I don't know this to be true first hand it is only what I am hearing and seeing here in Alaska. I do know a Koslosky family here came in the 30's. They said they were Russian Jews but I found out they got here from really Germany via Russia and the Russian Government controlled by Jews promoted them coming to Alaska and founding a department store in Palmer, Alaska. Almost all the judges in Alaska are Jewish and they originate from the east coast in general New York. The chief justice in Alaska for years was Rabinowitz. So I don't think they are escaping persecution but they are being sponsored to come here. Do not know for sure but I just try to ferret out the facts because our information here is really haywire. If the Russian Mafia members in the United States our Jews then I believe that their is a conspiracy within our government promoting this activity.
replied to:  tjames
Replied to:  I think they emigrate to escape persecution in Russia.
Sorry my post has clerical errors. buy is but, our is are .. I will proof read better